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As yet in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: heretoforehithertoso farthus fartil nowuntil nowup to nowyetSimilar words: easyfantasytake it easyMeaning: adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time. 
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121, It is owned by property developer Robert Lance Hughes who plans to re-erect it on an as yet unconfirmed site.
122, As yet, few have shown much interest in basing their products on Windows.
123, They can be touchy and hypersensitive to rejection, and their social skills are, as yet, underdeveloped.
124, Bowie is currently in production with his own low-budget film, as yet untitled, which he wrote and directed.
125, Despite his love of distraction, Minton in his career as yet showed no loss of impetus.
126, Nevertheless, it was the nearest approach to a foreign ministry which the country had as yet possessed.
127, As yet, there is no agreed international standard for analogue videotelephony.
128, This was the chivalry of Abyssinia going forth to war, unchanged as yet from the armies of the past.
129, There was no idea as yet of the radiant gods of Olympus who would have loathed the hateful sacrifice.
130, But, as yet, few linguists have applied the insights from conversation analysis to functionalist studies of linguistic structure.
131, I haven't as yet received a response to my letter, not even an acknowledgement.
132, None of them had as yet discovered a deep, rewarding love.
133, Second, there is as yet no land shortage, and new land can still be taken into cultivation without much problem.
134, In addition, it is possible that hypertension and obesity are linked by a common but as yet unknown factor.
135, Though the sun was bright there was no warmth in it as yet and the air was gently bracing.
136, The morning sky was blue as yet but storm clouds were gathering and the wind seemed on the change.
137, They believed she had been murdered by the Grantley Ripper although as yet no body had turned up.
138, She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated,( to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
139, As yet, there is only speculation that Charles will relinquish his birthright.
140, There were still a few funeral directors within a thirty-mile radius I had not, as yet, contacted.
141, But although Gloucester was thus becoming politically visible for the first time, he was as yet of only limited importance.
142, There was as yet no consensus on how best to overcome the Autarch's tyranny.
143, There were voices, if as yet in a minority, within both industry and government favouring the establishment of free collective bargaining.
144, It may be more fruitful to create a utopian, and as yet unrealized, vision to hold before our eyes.
145, But I regret that nowhere has any formal green belt as yet been proposed.
146, It helped set in motion renewed enthusiasm for tree clearance in upland catchment areas as yet another aspect of the land drainage solution.
147, As yet, however, no rigorous taxonomy of text types is available, let alone describable in terms of typical linguistic features.
148, The revelations will deeply embarrass the security services and lead to further accusations of incompetence as yet another operative tells his story.
149, The principle of organic unities is wielded as yet another weapon against hedonism.
150, It is not possible to enter into this debate here, for as yet these ideas have not gained universal acceptance.
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